Tom Lewis

Growth Expert,
SaaS, AI, and Customer Experience


Science Shows Humility Makes you smarter and more successful


Many believe that to reach the #csuite requires an abundance of confidence bordering on arrogance. The humble leader archetype seems contrary to expectations of the typical hard-charging CEO. The science shows that humility marks the truly intelligent and capable leaders. While ego has long been tied to get-ahead executives, the wisest leaders feature humility as a core strength. As this piece explores, a dose of humble self-reflection at the top can profoundly shape decision making, innovation...


Are we ready for the pace of change of Gen-ai?

I get that #Generativeai is going to disrupt the workforce, but my biggest concern is about the pace of change. I am not so sure we are ready for that?

Innovation has always disrupted the job market (Milkman, Elevator Operator, etc), but this time feels a little different as I fear we are not going to be able to train and adapt as quick as we need to in order to assimilate the workforce.

What are your thoughts about the PACE of change/impact of Generative AI on the...


What Every CEO Should know about Generative AI


Hey Matthew Coughlin Mike Grzelakowski at XSELL Technologies,

was McKinsey & Company talking about you guys when they wrote this "A specially trained AI model could suggest up-selling opportunities to a salesperson, but until now those were usually based only on static customer data obtained before the start of the call, such as demographics and purchasing patterns. A generative AI tool might suggest up selling opportunities to the salesperson in real time based on the...


Is ChatGPT better than Stack Overflow?


OK, I recognize that for some people that question may not make any sense, because after all, ChatGPT is a #generativeai engine and #stackoverflow is a community forum for technology.

Although I consider myself a senior executive first, I also have one foot in technology and #applicationdevelopment. In light of the latter, I spend a decent amount of my time researching and contributing to articles on Stack Overflow which is a community site that helps developers answer questions...


How to get AI to Produce Unexpected Results

You have heard me talk about #generativeai producing unexpected results; take a listen to this story about a happy outcome to some unexpected #ai processing. #saas Newport...


To Pilot or Not to Pilot, that is the question

Should startup and mid-market #Saas software businesses offer enterprise customers a free pilot? #startup #software Newport...


How to get your prospect to say "I never thought of that"

As a strong advocate of "The Challenger Sale" by the Corporate Executive Board, I've always focused on crafting impactful sales messaging. The book's TEACH, TAILOR, and TAKE CONTROL approach has been instrumental in my sales strategy.

However, the "Teaching" part has presented challenges. That's why I would like to share the story of how Bright Software, Inc., a disruptive training software firm uses the TEACHING part of the sales methodology to...


New York City Employers to start telling applicants when they encounter AI


New AI Law In NY just went into effect. The law penalizes firms that fail to comply with it. First violations are subject to a $500 fine, with subsequent offenses carrying up to $1,500 fines.

if you answer "NO" to "do you agree to allow us to use AI to evaluate your application?", does that mean it gets discarded all together or does a human review it. I am sure the applicant is unclear.

AI guardrails, here we come.... #ai #law #recruiting #ATS...


Oops: Samsung Employee Leaked Confidential Data to ChatGPT


What is the big deal about using #ChatGPT / #Generativeai at work? Oh, you mean that it stores everything I send it and that would be bad if it was company or client proprietary information. OH! I see! #dataprivacy Accenture Newport...

customer experience

Smart Home Voice Conundrum


Reminds me of the TV skit about two guys in an elevator trying to get to floor...

Customer Experience

2 minutes on Generative AI in Customer Service

I was chatting with a colleague recently about the intersection of AI and Customer Service and decided to capture the video to share. I hope you enjoy. #generativeai #customerservice #ai Newport...


An Avatar interviews me about Newport LLC!!!

I had a #generativeai Avatar interview me about Newport LLC!!!
This was a fun, quick project and "Gary" on the left here is NOT a human, but completely an avatar from Synthesia.

Also, I fed #chatgpt information about Newport LLC as well as my bio and asked it to generate a number of interview questions. The questions it asked were the ones from #Chatgpt. I did not spend a lot of time perfecting it as you will see a few cuts in the video, when either party is...


Good management is like the Olympic sport Curling!


Recently I was mentoring a CEO who was having trouble connecting with certain people in his organization. He struggled to give good #feedback.

Here is what I suggested. First, Curling is a winter sport where participants slide a heavy polished granite object, creatively called “The Stone”, across ice to hit a target, similar to shuffleboard. Team members can sweep around the stone without touching it, causing it to speed up, slow down, or veer to the left or right so it lands...


How Squiggles helped me understand buyers

If you understand how humans tend to think, then you are a step ahead when it comes to #sales and especially #enterprisesales. I ran across this scientific experiment that helped me understand, and subsequently explain, how people think during the sale process. Here is my story about Squiggles. Newport...


Return to Office Debate


As the RETURN TO OFFICE debate continues, enter technology stage left. These reports are becoming more and more common. #WFH #technology #employment...


Interview Snippet from discussion with Jay Wolcott

I keep getting asked the question about the impact of #generativeai on the #customerservice and #customerexperience space. If you missed the podcast with Jay Wolcott from Knowbl earlier this week, here is a snippet from that show where I talk about 3 categories of...


Helping Leaders Helping Agents Helping Customers


Interesting article about #generativeai in the #customerservice arena.

"In the past, companies relied on customers to complete post-call surveys in order to gauge the experiences and provide continued training resources to agents.
Now, though, the development of AI tools for contact centers has led to an easier and more accurate collection of this metric, resulting in better coaching as well. AI models measuring CX can provide a real-time, objective measure of customer...

about Tom

Tom Lewis

I am a seasoned executive with a passion for driving growth and innovation in the Software-as-a-Service and Tech-Enabled Services space. With a background as a former AI SaaS CEO and Management Consulting Senior Partner, I am at home advising the C-Suite in high-growth, dynamic Software or Tech companies.

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