Are we ready for the pace of change of Gen-ai?

I get that #Generativeai is going to disrupt the workforce, but my biggest concern is about the pace of change. I am not so sure we are ready for that?

Innovation has always disrupted the job market (Milkman, Elevator Operator, etc), but this time feels a little different as I fear we are not going to be able to train and adapt as quick as we need to in order to assimilate the workforce.

What are your thoughts about the PACE of change/impact of Generative AI on the workforce?


about Tom

Tom Lewis

I am a seasoned executive with a passion for driving growth and innovation in the Software-as-a-Service and Tech-Enabled Services space. With a background as a former AI SaaS CEO and Management Consulting Senior Partner, I am at home advising the C-Suite in high-growth, dynamic Software or Tech companies.

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